Premier Compact XP

Part Number: 17599B

A premium water softener with outstanding performance and efficiency

The Kinetico Premier Compact Water Softener with e-max technology combines maximum performance and eco-efficiency in a compact design for the ultimate in soft water convenience.

<strong>Extra Precision Hardness Setting</strong><br />

Extra Precision Hardness Setting

<strong>Fits Under Kitchen Cabinet</strong><br />

Fits Under Kitchen Cabinet

<strong>High Efficiency</strong><br />

High Efficiency

<strong>Easy Maintenance</strong><br />

Easy Maintenance

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  • Non-electric icon


    Kinetico water softeners uses the kinetic energy of moving water to power its systems instead of electricity . So you don’t have to worry about costly repairs or higher monthly electricity bills.

  • Twin Tank Icon

    Twin Tank Design

    The twin tank design means a continuous and un-interrupted supply of soft water.

  • Meter icon

    Metered Regeneration

    Meters water use to accurately determine when it’s time to regenerate with watch-like precision, resulting in less waste and greater savings. So when you go on holiday so does your water softener.

  • Drop of water in star icon

    Soft Water Rinse

    Uses only soft, conditioned water to clean itself thereby prolonging the life of the water softener.

  • null

    Countercurrent Regeneration

    Sounds a mouthful, but unlike most other softeners, a Kinetico system regenerates from the bottom up for more even and efficient use of the resin bead. Resulting in less waste, less salt and a longer lasting system.

  • Easy Maintenance

    Easy Maintenance

    The system is easy to maintain and does not require excessive maintenance after installation.

  • Block Salt

    Block Salt

    The softener can be loaded with block salt for the end user’s convenience.

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Product Name: Premier Compact

Width: 219mm

Depth: 468 mm

Height: 498 mm

Weight (Shipping / Operating): 17 kg



Minimum flow: 1,1 l/min

Maximum Flow @ 1 ∆ bar: 22,7 l/min

Hardness as CaCO3 (max): 528 mg/l



Salt Used / Capacity: 0,34 / 2 x4 kg

Time: 11 minutes

Volume: 20,5 litres



Media Volume: 2 x 4,5 litres

Inlet/Outlet Connections: Custom

Temperature Range: 2 - 49˚ C

Operating Pressure: 2 / 8.6 bar


Additional information

Weight 17 kg
Dimensions 46.8 × 21.9 × 49.8 cm

Scale Reduction, Dual Tank Systems, POE, Under-counter design


Water Softener

Water Softeners Series

Premier XP Series